
How Web Call is a WebRTC-based

Allwebcall: WebRTC-based, an innovative Real Time Communication, click to call solution, enabling your online web visitors to call you FREE of charge from any part of the world to any device. Every business has a need to turn to online traffic in sales & support. This can be easily done by providing best resources to your customers. We offer you the WebRTC Technology Today - a Real Time Webphone installed on your website.

  • Customers


    Make customer service a competitive advantage with HELP Desk. It's faster and most cost-effective to generate sales and offer support to your customers …

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  • Affiliate program

    Affiliate program

    Affiliate programs can earn you extra money. Learn about types of affiliate programs, linking methods and how affiliate partner programs can work for you …

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  • Franchise partnership

    Franchise partnership

    Franchise partnership is always a challenge for us. Creating a franchise ownership as a partner has its own unique business advantages of management … …

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  • Sales opportunity

    Sales opportunity

    Learn about the difference between lead and sales opportunity. Know how to differentiate both and to make the most out of your Allwebcall Click-to-Talk sales…

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What people are saying about us

How Web Call is a WebRTC-based

I have tried many webcall. I came across your click and talk solution today, and was blown away. Really working instantly, you have done almost all I could think of.

I've been using another webcall until I finally reached allwebcall communication which made growth to my online business. is one of those invaluable web things and a tool that makes a web page talk on real time communication.

Now I know that I can reach you by phone from your email signature, I did not know that I click on an icon and talk...

Hello allwebcall, a visitor from my website just called while I am on the beach... So your click to call button follows me anywhere.

Your click & talk of allwebcall communication technology has left every other webcall in drips and drops, not as as click and talk instantly.

Allwebcall is now superior to any other webcall regardless of price - and we have looked at them all. The real click to talk is Allwebcall Communication. — Chris Berkeley, Netmastery Pty Limited

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